How it all started...
Our story began in the summer of 2008 when our pastors Jake and Ashley Claunch along with their children moved north from south Louisiana to Cordova, Tennessee out of obedience to God with the purpose of planting a new church committed to seeing people brought to new life with Jesus and developing true disciples of Christ, living their lives based on God’s word, being in the world but not of the world. The desire was to see lives restored, the broken healed, marriages made whole, families flourishing, teens thriving in Christ, children learning about God and Jesus being lifted high above it all.

Expanding the vision...
Much could be said about God’s miraculous faithfulness and power as our story has unfolded. So many lives transformed, restored and changed to the glory of God, so many inexplicable even impossible things have come to pass since 2008 but we know that God is just getting started at EH and our best days are still to come in Jesus name!
Where we are headed...
We use the word family around here a lot because that's what we are. One big family of believers, all from different backgrounds, ethnicity's, levels of education, social status, and regions gathering together for one common goal to know Jesus more deeply and make Him known more completely to a world looking for answers in desperate need of an encounter with God. Our hearts desire is to see people encounter the One True Living God, becoming true disciples and joining our mission to advance Christ's Kingdom in America and beyond.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 10:15 AM.